Rumors have been flying around about the upcoming continuation in the “Terminator” franchise. The original Terminator, Arnold Schwarzenegger, has completed his scenes for the 5th film and confirmed the official title. He recently tweeted out a photo of his set chair that included the films logo, that read “Terminator Genisys.” Along with the photo was a note of appreciation for the cast and crew.
“Hasta la vista, baby. I want to thank the cast and crew of @TerminatorGenisys for a fantastic shoot. It was challenging, it was fun, and it was rewarding. From our director to the producers, from the camera team to catering, from visual effects to hair and makeup – we couldn’t have done it without you.
I can’t wait to see our finished project and I know we’ll remind the fans why they fell in love with the Terminator. On July 1, 2015, I’ll be back.”
Although Schwarzenegger didn’t appear in the latest “Terminator” film, fans are beyond excited to see his role in the 2015 film. The upcoming film’s debut will answer if this reboot has the opportunity to turn into a new trilogy. Details of the story-line are unknown, but the talks of time travel have been floating around on the web. Until it’s premiere on July of 2015, it appears we have no other choice than to just speculate.